Getting started

First, install Amorphous by running:

npm install amorphous

Then, you can import AppComponent and RootAppComponent:

import { AppComponent, RootAppComponent } from 'amorphous';

At the root of your application (or subtree), extend RootAppComponent instead of React.Component:

class App extends RootAppComponent {
  // ...

And optionally initialize your appState:

class App extends RootAppComponent {
  constructor(props) {
    this.appState = {text: 'hi'};

Then, in any component you want to access appState, extend AppComponent instead of React.Component:

class Input extends AppComponent {
  // ...

Inside this component, you can access this.appState and update app state with this.setAppState:

class Input extends AppComponent {
  render() {
    return <input
      onChange={e => this.setAppState({text:})}

And you're ready to send shared state to anywhere your app needs it!

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